What’s Happening with the Vincentia Golf Club

The VRRA is very pleased to bring you the latest developments regarding the Vincentia Golf Club.
The recent meeting that the VRRA organised was an outstanding success with a very large attendance from interested Vincentia residents. This surpassed all expectations

Bob Proudfoot, president of the Country Club St Georges Basin, informed us that there will be intensive consultations with members of the Vincentia Country Club, property owners adjacent to the golf course, and community groups, over the next 2-3 months with Oakstand, who is the potential developer of the proposed project for the Vincentia Golf Club.

A copy of the Oakstand presentation and development proposal can be downloaded from Vincentia Golf Club Presentation

More details can be found from Friends of the Vincentia Golf Club at https//www.facebook.com/groups/356357500657579/


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* Joining the VRRA is free. Voting on community issues within the VRRA is your right but you must be a resident or ratepayer in Vincentia. The VRRA is the official Community Consultative Body recognised by Council. If you wish to vote on VRRA constitutional matters or stand for committee positions, there is an annual fee of $10.